I took my mum to visit the UK. A crazy last minute decision because I was heading with Ami back to the London to visit family. We flew in on Saturday spent time with family and then mum flew in on Monday. Three days were spent me running around London with mum showing her the city Ami grew up in. I always forget how incredibly green London is; it's such a gorgeous city and seeing it for the first time through mum's eyes gave me a new appreciation for something that has become normal for me. After so many years in New York I've gradually become more accustomed to the frenetic energy and fast pace of a big city, but I haven't notice the change in me at all; until going back to Edinburgh. I've been lucky enough to visit Edinburgh four times now and this trip was the first since moving to New York. I didn't expect Edinburgh to feel like a small town because in my memories it was a big city, not a metropolis like London but bustling city nonetheless; however this time it felt no bigger than Victoria. I guess I have changed and grown as much as I deny that the city has changed me.

We headed up into the Highlands and the Isle of Skye which was amazing, spent a few days in Perth relaxing after so much driving and then off to the Lake District. I drove a left hand drive and apparently said "sweet jesus" anytime I met oncoming traffic on a corner, which in the Lake District is pretty much everywhere. The trip was full of bucket list ticking for mum and I.