Thursday, May 13, 2010

missed a month

Sorry for being MIA over April. All things wedding related have been very stressful and resulted in me not enjoy life as much as I could. The good news is that I'm now feeling a lot more in control in regards to the wedding, which has reduced my stress level by at least 85%. The remaining stress is left with having to plan a wedding relatively last minute in my 'hood. However, with team mum in my corner I have a feeling that everything is going to work out and run smoothly at this point.

My amazingly talented and loving cousin Auburn was also in New York for a little less than a week in April and having her here brightened up my mood considerably. We walked around, talked a lot, saw some shows and sights. It was a very healing distraction. I'm so fortunate to have her as a cousin and I miss her tons now that she's back in Alberta. We did do the extremely touristy thing of going to Ellis and Liberty Islands, or what I like to call the Day of Queueing. Note to self: never go to Ellis or Liberty Island ever again. Ever. Full stop. So if you come to visit and you want to go see the very famous Islands (which were gorgeous and affordable), I will be more than happy to hop on the subway down to Battery Park, queue with you to buy your ticket and that's where my dedication to being your tour guide will end.

Image courtesy of Auburn's amazing photography skills.

bird whimsy

I love the idea of measuring out my spices with these little bird measuring spoons. They're so pretty and whimsical. Who said indie bird art was dead? I sure as heck didn't!